● Draw
together very best
academic research teams from the EU
and China with diverse multi-disciplinary
skills and expertise and with common
interests in the field of bioenergy to
confront the challenge of climate change and
sustainable development in a global
● Execute
an innovative exchange and training
that allows detailed comparison of different
methodologies on their merits, encourages
of the ideas behind the various
approaches, and will stimulate the
of new biofuel technologies through close
cooperation among international partners.
● Bring
together the very best research groups in
this field in order to remove
fragmentation of the existing research
activities at various universities and
research institutes and to achieve a
critical mass of research effort
unparalleled anywhere in the world.
● Create
a platform for research training and
transfer of knowledge activities, both
within the network domain and towards the
public domain, crossing inter-sector
boundaries; this is essential to promote
new second generation biofuel technologies,
train a sufficient number of people in this
field to meet the challenges ahead, and
ensure the competitiveness of EU industry.
● Disseminate
knowledge to the larger international
communities to
maximise the impact of this network
and ensure the academic and industrial
relevance of its research activities.
● Provide
researchers, young researchers in
particular, with intensive
programmes as
well as complementary skills
training in order to become trainers of
the future in a multi-disciplinary field of
academic, industrial and societal
importance; and as such improving the
young researcher's career
● Establish
collaborative mechanisms for long-term
partnerships between the EU and China
researchers and institutes on important
issues such as energy to combat the climate
changes and other challenges for 21st